Hooray, it's February. I've always loved February as the days are getting longer, spring is tantalisingly close and as a teacher I got a week off. What's not to like? Of course, as a retired teacher I now get every week off. Lily will get half term, however, and we're taking her to London for part of it. Actually 17 miles from London as there aren't really any motorhome sites within the M25. Going into the city will involve a train, which will be exciting in itself. All good. Even more of the holiday feeling. I've booked the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, and Matilda so it possibly would have been cheaper to take her to Tenerife...
January was long and miserable, although much better than previous years when I left home and returned each day in darkness. And, of course, I got to do 4 yoga sessions each week. I can really see and feel the difference, and have loved it. Hence the title of mixed emotions, as it's drawing to an end for a while. Next week someone is swanning off on her travels, leaving me in charge of my own program. And a small child. I am determined not to lose my yoga fitness so I've written myself a program to do at home - it includes only my favourite things so certainly no warrior 3 or lizards. I have put it at the end of this blog if you want to use it too. Maybe you'll want to add in a few lizards or supported bridges, we're all different.
On Helen's return, tanned, relaxed and brimming with spirituality and maybe a few new yoga poses, I have only 6 days before Paul and I set off on our Spain/Portugal adventure. I figure that's a Thursday Yin, Friday Ashtanga, and I can just squeeze in an Easy like Monday Morning as our sailing isn't until 10pm that day from Portsmouth. Alongside the four bikes, bodyboards and walking boots, I'm packing two yoga mats so Paul can join me in some morning yoga every day. He doesn't know this yet, but I'm determined to convert him. I know some nights we'll be parked up in carparks or side roads so this should prove interesting to passers-by. Maybe you'll spot us on YouTube... We have agreed not to drink or eat too much while we're away and to focus on health and fitness. Anyone that knows the pair of us will sincerely doubt this can happen, but we'll give it a go. With any luck there will be sun and my Vitamin D tablets can be confined to the back of the cupboard. I shall return a changed woman!
I really enjoy chatting to many of you before and after classes, you're a really friendly bunch of people. Please don't judge me if I seem a bit vague when I'm back; I am particularly bad at remembering names or faces, so I apologise in advance for not recognising you by mid May, or if I see you in the supermarket meantime. I have asked my own uncle on two occasions who he is when he's spoken to me in the street. He was rather put out the second time, and I felt terrible. I am just not very visual. I never forget a smell, but that's not so useful it seems...
So, here's my DIY program. It's what I intend to do 4 times a week, should take about 45 minutes. I am going to use the timer on my phone for Yin poses, set to 3 minutes with 1 minute changeover /recovery. No doubt I will change/ ignore that... Oh, and I don't know the names for poses/movements despite hearing them for years now. Think they're in a different language.... so I've used the names I call them. Apologies. And, obviously, a disclaimer that I am in no way qualified to teach yoga! This is just my intended practise to see me over until I can return to Helen's classes.
Vinyasa sequence - insert everywhere marked ***
(Stretch up, fold forward, half-way lift, fold, step back to plank, lower, upward dog, downward dog).
Seated side twists then bends, stretch forward.
Cat Cows
Downward Dog
Moves Repeat for each side
One legged dog, Scorpion tail
Warrior 1
Half splits
Warrior 1, straighten front leg into that one where you hold forearms behind back, folding forwards...
Twisted lunge
Sitting down straddle stretch both sides then middle.
Figure 4 pose, both sides (or pigeon if you prefer)
Reclining butterfly
Reclining twist
Collapse for a while