This is my second week of being properly retired, as I was employed (and paid, thankfully) until August 31st. I am not regretting my decision yet! When the children went back to school last Wednesday I was massively relieved that I was free from the usual start of year stress. The first 4 weeks are tough. Instead, I did some housework and had a cup of tea with my sister. Perfect.
I am unusual insofar as I like cleaning. I like the physical activity of it, the calming, therapeutic effect it has on me, and the end result. I will return frequently to a newly cleaned room to admire it. Clean makes me happy. As does neat, tidy, uncluttered. I've had a proper sort out this summer, think St Michael's Hospice shop in Cantilupe Road is 50% stocked by me now, and am constantly delighted by finding what I want instantly. My yoga bra, something that has an A* at A level in hiding, was immediately discovered at the front of my newly purposed bra drawer this week. I was so excited I needed to share with Helen... The cupboard under the stairs has had its contents streamlined and organised, as well as a thorough cleaning. It's a pleasure to open the door. I know, I'm weird.
My little daughter Claire, now 34, has decided to ditch her longstanding career as a radiotherapist to travel around South America with her girlfriend until mid December. On their return they're hoping to go and work in New Zealand. Consequently she has needed to sell all her possessions, including the house (sale of which isn't complete yet...) or give them to me for storage. Hence my manic sort out! I've no actual extra space, she came home with carloads of stuff each weekend to clog up our porch and hallway, that I spent days afterwards stowing away. And then there's her cat. Claire has a cat that turned up in her garden about 5 or 6 years ago and has been treated like a princess ever since. She's about 10 now, has been an indoor cat for more than half her life so uses a litter tray, and intensely dislikes other cats and children. We have one of each. Suffice to say the last month hasn't been easy, and I can't see improvement happening any time soon. Especially as we are off on holiday in 3 days, and Helen and Lily will also be away for the weekend. I don't like to think what cat wars will be happening in the house, or which cat will be eating the 7+ seniors cat food. Our poor little cat, Bella, is only a year old and is quite saddened by the whole affair.
Still, it looks like Claire is having an epic adventure so far. It's taken some bravery to walk away from everything she's been building and accruing over the last 12 years, and to start with I was very worried about her decision. Now I am wholly behind her - life is for living, and the future is not a given. Seize opportunities when they present themselves, and live the life you dream of.
So, instead of a normal September facing a never ending mountain of work and exhaustion, I'm off to a wedding in London then onto the Channel Tunnel for two weeks in the Tarn and Dordogne valleys of France in Hilda the motorhome. Our first trip abroad! I am so looking forward to it, although have not done as many miles as I needed to in readiness for the cycling ahead. C'est la vie, and tbh fairly normal for me. I've managed just 2 yoga classes since July, both in the last week. I thoroughly enjoyed them both, and look forward to adding Monday morning classes to my routine when we get back. I was hoping for a few more while Lily was away, however Helen decided to spend the time at a surfing and yoga retreat in sunny Portugal instead!! Somehow we've managed to bring up two children with definite wanderlust tendencies - can't think where they get it from...
À bientôt